
I have integrated Conga with Docusign in Salesforce. I ran the process of generating and sending the document to the user for signing. This has worked very well without using the background mode Conga parameter(&DS7=17) with docusign status updated in salesforce(with signed date and time) but, when I use background mode enabled, docusign status of that object(Contact or Opportunity) in salesforce doesn’t gets updated(no record gets added).I'm very much new to all these tools. Sorry, if i'm asking a silly question over here. Button url used:



1 Answers


Sign into DocuSign admin Click connect Click salesforce Scroll to the connected objects section Edit dsfs_DocuSign_status Add a new field If it is the Account object use the Account reference Id and map it to the Envelope External Source Id

Try that the rest of the settings are located there. It took me forever to figure it out too!

Here is my example of setting it up to the Order object enter image description here