I'm using WiX to create an installer for my application
I have this fragment which describes the destination install folder for my application:
<Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
<Directory Id="CommonAppDataFolder">
<Directory Id="Company" Name="myCompany">
<Directory Id="App" Name="myProgram">
<Directory Id="SQLGENERATORINSTALLFOLDER" Name="SqlLiteFolder" />
I also have a custom action which requires the [App]
folder as an input parameter. If I pass [App]
to the custom action I would expect the entire path of the folder, from C:\ all the way down to the inner folder
I would expect this:
Instead, I get this:
Looks like WiX is appending a temporary folder of some sort
This is how I pass the [App]
variable to the custom action:
<CustomAction Id='GrantAccessToDatabase' BinaryKey='ActionLib' DllEntry='GrantAccess' Execute='deferred' Impersonate='no' />
<Property Id="GrantAccessToDatabase" Value="DbFilePath=[App]" />
Please note that in order to pass a variable to a deferred custom action I need to use that syntax, it's explained here -> How to pass parameters to the custom action?
That's the C# part which receive the parameter:
public static ActionResult GrantAccess(Session session)
var data = session.CustomActionData;
var fullPath = data["DbFilePath"];
I would expect fullPath
to be:
Instead, I get:
msiexec -i yourinstaller.msi -l*v logname.txt
. Then look for log lines where propertyApp
gets assigned. I guess it's initially created with the value `C:\ProgramData\myCompany\myProgram` but will be overwritten with the wrong value after that and before your custom action runs. – zett42