I'm using plotly
with RStudio.
is giving incorrect text on hover for stacked bars in the chart except for the top most bar.
Reproducible example
df <- data.frame(
make = rep(c('Toyota', 'Honda', 'Volkswagen'),4),
segment =c(rep('high',3), rep('mid',3), rep('low',3), rep('entry',3) ),
sales=c( 25,35,75, 35,35,30, 45,25,10, 80, 80, 20)
make segment sales
1 Toyota high 25
2 Honda high 35
3 Volkswagen high 75
4 Toyota mid 35
5 Honda mid 35
6 Volkswagen mid 30
7 Toyota low 45
8 Honda low 25
9 Volkswagen low 10
10 Toyota entry 80
11 Honda entry 80
12 Volkswagen entry 20
p <- ggplot(df, aes(x=make, y=sales) ) +
geom_bar(stat="identity", aes(fill=segment), position = "stack")
What I get in RStudio is as in the pictures below. As you would see except for the top stacked bar, everything else is giving the wrong text on hover
Incorrect text on hover - based on data in df
the correct value for sales
is 20
- instead it is showing 135
- data - 12 Volkswagen entry 20
Correct text on hover - only observed for the top most bar in stack.
> packageVersion('ggplot2')
[1] ‘2.2.1’
> packageVersion('plotly')
[1] ‘4.5.6’
, instead it is showing135
- how is this correct ? – user320644020
to be displayed instead of the sum - ie. individual values for each bar - what kind of chart inplotly
can give it ? – user3206440