I use VBA to run an INSERT INTO ... SELECT... SQL query with Currentdb.Execute command. However, I have trouble with the result. There are some rows missing the data.
The result is correct when using Docmd.RunSQL with the same SQL, but I don't want the warning message for inserting data into the table.
I also tried using only the SELECT... with Currentdb.Execute and print the result on the debug window. The result is correct, no missing data.
Here's my code:
strsql = strsql & "INSERT INTO tempLineItems (OrderNo, PositionNo, PartNo, [Description], PlannedDeliveryDate, Qty, Unit, Price, Curr, txta, LineItemText, Discount, Tax) "
strsql = strsql & "SELECT dbo_ttdsls041600.t_orno, dbo_ttdsls041600.t_pono, dbo_ttdsls041600.t_item, IIF(dbo_ttipcs021600.t_dsca is null,dbo_ttiitm001600.t_dsca,dbo_ttipcs021600.t_dsca) AS t_dsca, dbo_ttdsls041600.t_ddta, dbo_ttdsls041600.t_oqua, dbo_ttdsls041600.t_cups, dbo_ttdsls041600.t_pric, dbo_ttdsls040600.t_ccur, dbo_ttdsls041600.t_txta, Null AS LineItemText, dbo_ttdsls041600.t_disc_1, dbo_ttdsls041600.t_cvat "
strsql = strsql & "FROM dbo_ttdsls040600 INNER JOIN ((dbo_ttipcs021600 RIGHT JOIN dbo_ttdsls041600 ON (dbo_ttipcs021600.t_item = dbo_ttdsls041600.t_item) AND (dbo_ttipcs021600.t_cprj = dbo_ttdsls041600.t_cprj)) LEFT JOIN dbo_ttiitm001600 ON dbo_ttdsls041600.t_item = dbo_ttiitm001600.t_item) ON dbo_ttdsls040600.t_orno = dbo_ttdsls041600.t_orno "
strsql = strsql & "WHERE (((dbo_ttdsls041600.t_orno)=" & Me.txtSalesOrderNo.Value & ") AND ((dbo_ttdsls041600.t_pono)>0)) "
strsql = strsql & "ORDER BY dbo_ttdsls041600.t_pono;"
The problem is on the
IIF(dbo_ttipcs021600.t_dsca is null,dbo_ttiitm001600.t_dsca,dbo_ttipcs021600.t_dsca) AS t_dsca
I used ISNULL() function, and it has the same result as using Is Null
3/28/2017 Update: Those tables are linked tables from the SQL Server. I created local tables based on a subset data of those linked ones, and there's no missing data at all.
and save a few keystrokes. – geeFlo