
I have input that I generate directly from Bash (representing y=x^2)

for((i=0;i<10;i++)); do printf "%3d %3d\n" $((i)) $((i*i)); done

I would like to plot these input data with gnuplot and using if possible with a pipe.

I tried to do naively :

for((i=0;i<100;i++)); do printf "%3d %3d\n" $((i)) $((i*i)); done < gnuplot -e "plot u 1:2 w l"

but this can't work because I printf sequentially the values (i,i^2).

I tried to use echo -e (before the redirection "<" of gnuplot) :

echo -e $(for((i=0;i<100;i++)); do printf "%3d %3d\n" $((i)) $((i*i)); done )

on above command (for loop) to find a way to store the 2 entire colums of values and then pass them to gnuplot command, but with this solution, I don't produce 2 columns (I get only a row of data).

Someone could help me to plot the generated data with gnuplot using a pipe (i.e with only one command line)

Thanks for your help

you want to send data as columns? it is not clear how you want to send it, can you show it with a proper example? – Inian
I would like to plot data generated by my for loop and pipe them directly into gnuplot (if it is possible). My issue is that I can't store this data flow like a standard dat file (i.e with the classic way of using gnuplot). – youpilat13

1 Answers


You must pipe the data to gnuplot with for ... | gnuplot -e ... and you must tell gnuplot to read from stdin with plot '-':

for((i=0;i<100;i++)); do printf "%3d %3d\n" $((i)) $((i*i)); done | gnuplot -e "set terminal pngcairo; set output 'blubb.png'; plot '-' u 1:2 w l"