I currently have 2 command buttons and one listbox. Based on listbox selection, the result generated can be shown in a download-able file or rendered as an HTML table. The getFile()
code is based on BalusC's PDF Handling tutorial, while getTable()
sets resultTable
<h:selectManyListbox id="listbox" value="#{form.items}">
<f:selectItems value="#{form.allItems}">
<h:commandButton value="Get File" action="#{form.getFile}">
<h:commandButton value="Get Table" action="#{form.getTable}">
<f:ajax render="result_table" execute="listbox" />
<h:panelGrid id="result_table">
<ui:repeat var="table" value="#{form.resultTable}">
Both buttons are working fine so far. However, I want to combine both actions into one button. When I test this out with a button that fires off both actions, nothing happens (no file save as dialog or table rendered). Is this because one action is ajax or because the other action finishes with facesContext.responseComplete();
<h:commandButton value="Get Both" action="#{form.getBoth}">
<f:ajax render="result_table" execute="listbox" />
getBoth() {
Additionally I would like a checkbox where if it is checked, save as dialog pops up and table is rendered. If it is not checked, only table is rendered.