
I am looking for a LaTeX environment, that is capable of formatting given paragraph(s) with a slight indentation and increasing line counters within parenthesis, e.g.:

(1) Lorem Ipsum

(2) Dolor Sit

These numbers should continue to increase throughout the document, i.e. there should be no number used twice. It would behave almost like the align environment- including the possibility to \ref to individual lines, except that I do not wish to use it for math but rather for text snippets.

Unfortunately, I am not that LaTeX savvy, so I cannot really define such an environment myself.

You can find an entire community on the TeX StackExchange, where no TeX-related question is too small. The non-savvy are especially welcome.Matthew Leingang
Thanks, everyone, for all the answers. They are really helpful. Also, big thanks for TeX StackExchange :)Manny

3 Answers


Is this what you're looking for?

\usepackage{lipsum} % just for blind text



\item foo
\item bar


\item baz
\item boo


In fact you want an enumerate list with number in a non default presentation. An easy way for this is the enumerate package:

  \item test1
  \item test2

You could use the align environment (or other math-based environments) and typeset your text using \text{...}. Example:

    \text{Numbered like an equation, typeset like text.}

Beware, though, that this is only suitable for short snippets of text, since you are, after all, inside a math environment, so there's no automatic line wrapping.