Was wondering if anybody has tried to use jmeter to test gRPC application.
I was hoping that
- I could write a gRPC client class with a non-blocking/asynchronous stub that makes non-blocking calls to the server,
- Create a Jar of the above client
- Import the Jar to JMeter
- Use the Java method in Jmeter BeanShell sampler
before investing time in trying the above I wanted to see if any body has tried something similar and
- if above workaround work?
- will each thread create a separate TCP connection?
We have tried the load test with python client and locust.io but python gRPC is not gevent compatible and even with async call e.g. stub.GetFeature.future, we are hitting a limit on the request per second per process (async call doesn't seem to be async, GIL bottleneck, once TCP stream)