I have a game record that represents the current state of a game.
data Game = Game { score :: Int, turn :: Int }
I want to be able to create a bunch of functions to change the game state, and also use a random number generator as well as keep a log of what happened to get from one state to another. So I created a GameState
record that contains the additional information.
type History = [String]
data GameState = GameState Game StdGen History
Now I want to create a data type for the functions that are going to be acting on this GameState
. They'll be modeled imperatively as updates to the game as well as rolling dice and logging what's happening. So I created a monad transformer of all the effects I want.
type Effect = WriterT History (RandT StdGen (State Game))
Writing the function to run an Effect
on a given GameState
is pretty simple.
runEffect :: GameState -> Effect () -> GameState
runEffect (GameState game stdGen history) effect =
let ((((), newHist), newGen), newGame) =
runState (runRandT (runWriterT effect) stdGen) game
in GameState newGame newGen newHist
Perfect. Now I want to model one additional thing. Some Effects
can have multiple different resulting GameStates
. So my runEffect
should actually return a [GameState]
. I need to add ListT
to this monad transformer, probably. And then all of my Effects
will have the option of producing more than one result if need be. But also if they are just a one-to-one mapping then then can act like that too.
I tried to make the following changes:
type Effect2 = ListT (WriterT [String] (RandT StdGen (State Game)))
runEffect2 :: GameState -> Effect2 a -> [GameState]
runEffect2 (GameState game stdGen history) effect =
let l = runListT effect
result = map (\e->runState (runRandT (runWriterT e) stdGen) game) l
in map (\((((), newHist), newGen), newGame)->
GameState newGame newGen newHist)
What I'm trying to do is add ListT
to the transformer, outside of the Writer
and Random
and State
because I want for the different branches of the computation to have different histories and independent states and random generators. But this doesn't work. I get the following type error.
Prelude λ: :reload [1 of 1] Compiling Main ( redux.hs, interpreted )
redux.hs:31:73: error:
• Couldn't match expected type ‘[WriterT
(RandT StdGen (StateT Game Data.Functor.Identity.Identity))
with actual type ‘WriterT [String] (RandT StdGen (State Game)) [a]’
• In the second argument of ‘map’, namely ‘l’
In the expression:
map (\ e -> runState (runRandT (runWriterT e) stdGen) game) l
In an equation for ‘result’:
= map (\ e -> runState (runRandT (runWriterT e) stdGen) game) l
• Relevant bindings include
result :: [(((a1, w), StdGen), Game)] (bound at redux.hs:31:7)
l :: WriterT [String] (RandT StdGen (State Game)) [a]
(bound at redux.hs:30:7)
effect :: Effect2 a (bound at redux.hs:29:44)
runEffect2 :: GameState -> Effect2 a -> [GameState]
(bound at redux.hs:29:1)
Failed, modules loaded: none.
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? I effectively want to be able to expand one GameState
into multiple GameStates
. Each with an independent StdGen
and History
for that branch. I have done this by putting everything into the Game
record and just using non-monadic functions for the effects. This works and it's pretty straight forward. However, composition of these functions is really annoying because they're acting like state and I need to need to handle it myself. This is what monads are great at so I figured reusing that here would be wise. Sadly the list aspect of it has me really confused.
? The signature saysEffect
. – danidiaz