We created an Outlook VSTO add-in that stops working after leaving Outlook idle overnight. When we return to work the next day, the add-in still shows as enabled but is no longer working. You restart Outlook and it works fine again. We have about 35 users working out of the same inbox (Outlook 2013). All are set up the same way in Live Mode on Exchange Server with their personal email as the default sender and the shared "work" e-mail box proxied from their personal. Below is the VB code designed to just stamp every e-mail, a user deletes or moves to another folder, with the text "Email Handled By (username) At (now). We are open to alternative suggestions. Just looking for a way to track who deletes/handles an e-mail. We know we should move to a CRM type system (5,000+ emails a day). Thank you in advance for any help.
'Allow forms to be used, Future Possible enhancements
Imports System.Windows.Forms
'Allow use of the outlook interperability (Outlook functions
Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class ThisAddIn
'Create public variable holders
'Variable to hold the folder items (Inbox)
Public WithEvents olkFolder As Outlook.Folder
'Variable to hold the folder Items (Deleted Item
Public WithEvents olkFolderItems As Outlook.Folder
'Variable to hold the item.
Public WithEvents olkItems As Outlook.Items
Public WithEvents olkFolderCT As Outlook.Folder
Public WithEvents olkFolderItemsCT As Outlook.Folder
Public WithEvents olkItemsCT As Outlook.Items
Public WithEvents olkFolderNJ As Outlook.Folder
Public WithEvents olkFolderItemsNJ As Outlook.Folder
Public WithEvents olkItemsNJ As Outlook.Items
Public WithEvents olkFolderOld As Outlook.Folder
Public WithEvents olkFolderItemsOld As Outlook.Folder
Public WithEvents olkItemsOld As Outlook.Items
'Function that fires upon startup of the plugin
Private Sub ThisAddIn_Startup(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Startup
'This is used to force the program to continue in case an operator does not have an inbox with a name of ROCLI
On Error Resume Next
'Set the variable to the Inbox Folder
olkFolder = Application.Session.Folders("ROCLI").Folders("Inbox")
'Set the variable to the Deleted Folder
olkFolderItems = Application.Session.Folders("ROCLI").Folders("Deleted Items")
'Set the items, to the items in the Inbox
olkItems = Application.Session.Folders("ROCLI").Folders("Inbox").Items
'Set the variable to the Inbox Folder
olkFolderCT = Application.Session.Folders("ROCCTHV").Folders("Inbox")
'Set the variable to the Deleted Folder
olkFolderItemsCT = Application.Session.Folders("ROCCTHV").Folders("Deleted Items")
'Set the items, to the items in the Inbox
olkItemsCT = Application.Session.Folders("ROCCTHV").Folders("Inbox").Items
'Set the variable to the Inbox Folder
olkFolderNJ = Application.Session.Folders("ROCNJ").Folders("Inbox")
'Set the variable to the Deleted Folder
olkFolderItemsNJ = Application.Session.Folders("ROCNJ").Folders("Deleted Items")
'Set the items, to the items in the Inbox
olkItemsNJ = Application.Session.Folders("ROCNJ").Folders("Inbox").Items
'Set the variable to the Inbox Folder
olkFolderOld = Application.Session.Folders("[email protected]").Folders("Inbox")
'Set the variable to the Deleted Folder
olkFolderItemsOld = Application.Session.Folders("[email protected]").Folders("Deleted Items")
'Set the items, to the items in the Inbox
olkItemsOld = Application.Session.Folders("[email protected]").Folders("Inbox").Items
End Sub
'Function that is the handler which is fired before any item is moved
Private Sub olkFolder_BeforeItemMove(ByVal Item As Object, ByVal MoveTo As MAPIFolder, ByRef Cancel As Boolean) Handles olkFolder.BeforeItemMove, olkFolderCT.BeforeItemMove, olkFolderNJ.BeforeItemMove, olkFolderOld.BeforeItemMove
'If the item is moved to any folder Add the HTML to the email
If MoveTo.Name Is Nothing Then
'Update the body of the item (Email)
Item.HTMLBody = "<HTML><BODY><font size=4 color=red><b>Email Handled By " & System.Environment.UserName & " At " & Now() & "</b></font><BR><BR>" & Item.HTMLBody & "</body></html>"
'Save the email, or else nothing will be changed on the server
'If its moved to any folder with a name (Failsafe)
'Same as above
Item.HTMLBody = "<HTML><BODY><font size=4 color=red><b>Email Handled By " & System.Environment.UserName & " At " & Now() & "</b></font><BR><BR>" & Item.HTMLBody & "</body></html>"
'Same as above
End If
Dim UserName, DeletedTime, ReceiveTime, Subject, Body, SentFrom, SentTo As String
UserName = Environment.UserName
DeletedTime = Now()
ReceiveTime = Item.ReceivedTime
Subject = Item.Subject
Body = Item.HTMLBody
SentFrom = Item.SenderName
SentTo = Item.To
End Sub
End Class