I know that local debugging using tokens is possible using http://www.systemsabuse.com/2015/12/04/local-debugging-with-user-authentication-of-an-azure-mobile-app-service/. Would it be possible to go to thesite.com/.auth/login/aad and login and use that cookie for localhost (for testing the web app - not the mobile app)?
I am currently using the .auth/login/aad cookie to authenticate Nancy. I do by generating a ZumoUser out of the Principal.
internal static async Task<Response> UserToViewBag(NancyContext context, CancellationToken ct)
var principal = context.GetPrincipal();
var zumoUser = await ZumoUser.CreateAsync(context.GetPrincipal());
context.ViewBag.User = zumoUser;
context.Items["zumoUser"] = zumoUser;
var url = context.Request.Url;
if (zumoUser.IsAuthenticated)
_logger.DebugFormat("{0} requested {1}", zumoUser, url.Path);
_logger.DebugFormat("{0} requested {1}", "Anonymous", url.Path);
return null;