I have some files uploaded to Google Cloud Storage (csv and json).
I could create BigQuery tables, native or external, linking to these files in Google Cloud Storage.
In the process of creating bigquery tables, I could check "Schema Automatically detect".
The "Schema Automatically detect" works well with json new line delimited format file. But with the csv file, first row is the 'column name", bigquery cannot do the "schema automatically detect", it treats the first line as data, and then the schema bigquery created will be string_field_1, string_field_2 etc.
Are there anything that I need to do for my csv file that makes bigquery "Schema Automatically detect" works?
The csv file I have is "Microsoft Excel Comma Separated Value File".
If first column is empty, BigQuery autodetect doesn't detect headers
custom id,asset id,related isrc,iswc,title,hfa song code,writers,match policy,publisher name,sync ownership share,sync ownership territory,sync ownership restriction
,A123,,,Medley of very old Viennese songs,,,,,,,
,A234,,,Suite de pièces No. 3 en Ré Mineur HWV 428 - Allemande,,,,,,,
But if first column is not empty - it is OK:
custom id,asset id,related isrc,iswc,title,hfa song code,writers,match policy,publisher name,sync ownership share,sync ownership territory,sync ownership restriction
1,A123,,,Medley of very old Viennese songs,,,,,,,
2,A234,,,Suite de pièces No. 3 en Ré Mineur HWV 428 - Allemande,,,,,,,
Should it be a feature improvement request for BigQuery?