I have a custom control which contains a comboBox. One property of the CC is default value, which I want the developer to be able to pick in the Xpage.
Static values pass into the CC fine, but if I try to default the value, it fails. I would like to default the default property to the current user, but it cannot.
This is the custom control on an the Xpage. I can return a name statically and it works, but if I compute the name it doesn't work.
datasource="#{javascript:return Ticket}"
<![CDATA[#{javascript:var usrNme:String = ("[CN]",session.getEffectiveUserName());
return usrNme;
//return "Bryan S Schmiedeler";}]]>
Here is part of the custom control: I am trying to pass in the compositeData.defaultValue that was set above. If I hard code it it works, otherwise it doesn't.
Here is how I have set the property in the custom control: