I created a Google App Engine app that listens for Google Cloud Storage notifications and whenever a new object is created on GCS, the app needs to open the new object and perform operations based on its contents. I can't access the object contents when the app and the gcs bucket are in different projects.
I have created a service account in project A with Storage Object Admin permissions, associated the GAE app with it, activated the service account using:
gcloud auth activate-service-account [ACCOUNT] --key-file=KEY_FILE
I then created a bucket gs://some_bucket in project B in the same region as my GAE app, and added my service account as an owner of the bucket.
I added my service account as a member of project B with "Storage Object Admin" permissions.
I created a watchbucket channel between my application and the bucket using
gsutil notification watchbucket -i [ChannelId] -t [Token] https://[app-name].appspot.com/ gs://some_bucket
My application is now receiving post requests, I can parse through them, find the source bucket, the size, object name, etc. but I can't read the objects themselves. I get the following error.
{Location: ""; Message: "Access Denied: File gs://some_bucket/some_object: Access Denied"; Reason: "accessDenied"}
I tested the above configuration within the same project (project A), and I am able to read the objects and operate on them. This is a permissions issue that I can't figure out.