module Dfs = struct
let rec dfslsts g paths final =
let l = PrimePath.removeDuplicates (PrimePath.extendPaths g paths)
let f elem =
if (List.mem "%d" (List.flatten final) = false) then (dfslsts g ["%d"] (List.flatten l)::final)
else final
List.iter f (Graph.nodes g)
Error: This expression has type string but an expression was expected of type int list
This error occurred when I called dfslsts function, which is recursive, inside the if condition. The function dfslsts returns a list of lists. If I try to replace the complex expression in if statement to
if (List.mem "%d" (List.flatten final) = false) then "%d"
else "%d"
then I get Error: This expression has type 'a -> string but an expression was expected of type 'a -> unit Type string is not compatible with type unit at List.iter line.
How do I solve this problem and are we allowed to call a recursive function inside the if expression.
This is the definition of my graph type:
module Graph = struct
exception NodeNotFound of int
type graph = {
nodes : int list;
edges : (int * int) list;
let makeGraph () =
nodes = [];
edges = [];
let rec isNodeOf g n = List.mem n g.nodes
let nodes g = g.nodes
let edges g = g.edges
let addNode g n =
let nodes = n::g.nodes and edges = g.edges in
let addEdge g (n1, n2) =
if ((isNodeOf g n1) = false) then
raise (NodeNotFound n1)
else if ((isNodeOf g n2) = false) then
raise (NodeNotFound n2)
let nodes = g.nodes
and edges = (n1, n2) :: g.edges in
let nextNodes g n =
let rec findSuccessors edges n =
match edges with
[] -> []
| (n1, n2) :: t ->
if n1 = n then n2::findSuccessors t n
else findSuccessors t n
findSuccessors g.edges n
let rec lastNode path =
match path with
[] -> raise (NodeNotFound 0)
| n :: [] -> n
| _ :: t -> lastNode t
module Paths = struct
let extendPath g path =
let n = (Graph.lastNode path) in
let nextNodes = Graph.nextNodes g n in
let rec loop path nodes =
match nodes with
[] -> []
| h :: t -> (List.append path [h]) :: (loop path t)
loop path nextNodes
let rec extendPaths g paths =
match paths with
[] -> []
| h :: t -> List.append (extendPath g h) (extendPaths g t)
(* Given a list lst, return a new list with all duplicate entries removed *)
let rec removeDuplicates lst =
match lst with
| _ :: [] -> lst
| h :: t ->
let trimmed = removeDuplicates t in
if List.mem h trimmed then trimmed
else h :: trimmed