
The view is working fine with all other tab bar items(events, pending, explore, my profile) but for the 'more' section, the tab bar view controller when pushed to the concerned view controller shows the new bottom bar which is above the tab bar as shown in the picture.

Now I tried to set the bottom bar to none, tried to hide bottom bar in attributes inspector, nothing is working. I want help to remove this blank view regarded as the bottom bar which is showing above tab bar.

enter image description here

change your tablview background color as clear color as well as remove the empty cells of the tableviewAnbu.Karthik
I think the blank space you are talking about its your tableview, change the background color of it.Nirav D
Disable ViewController Adjuest Scroll View InsetsHarshal Valanda
the empty space is not the tableview, since I have set the color of tableview to bluish gren.Ranjana Dangol
Debug View Hierarchy and find is it tableview sesamenotes.wordpress.com/2015/08/16/xcode-debugging-skillsRajeshKumar R

1 Answers


1) Write this to remove the empty cell :

self.tableview.tableFooterView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero];

Also check the background color of cell and uitableview