I am trying to use a Has_many relation as the summary fields for a DataObject and can't seem to get it working.
- I have a Form
- each form has many submissions/entries
- each form has many fields
- Each field has many answers.
I'm trying to create a gridfield in the back end admin area of each form which displays the entries for each form.
In the summary fields for the entry, i'd like to display the Date created, and the first 3 fields for that form.
So, for example if we had a form with a name, email, and phone field the summary fields would be as follows:
- Date Created
- Name
- Phone
with the relevent entry data/responses as summary information for the entry.
Here is what I have so far. This is the form:
class ContactBlock extends Block {
private static $db = array(
// Fields for the form/block go here
private static $has_many = array(
'ContactBlockFields' => 'ContactBlockField',
'ContactBlockEntries' => 'ContactBlockEntry'
public function getCMSFields() {
// Irrelevant code goes here!
$entriesInfo = new GridFieldDataColumns();
$entriesConfig = GridFieldConfig::create();
new GridFieldToolbarHeader(),
new GridFieldAddNewButton('toolbar-header-right'),
new GridFieldSortableHeader(),
new GridFieldPaginator(50),
new GridFieldEditButton(),
new GridFieldDeleteAction(),
new GridFieldDetailForm()
$entriesGrid = GridField::create('ContactBlockEntries', 'Form Entries', $this->ContactBlockEntries(), $entriesConfig);
$fields->addFieldToTab('Root.FormEntries', $entriesGrid);
return $fields;
This is the Entry DataObject:
class ContactBlockEntry extends DataObject {
private static $has_one = array(
'ContactBlock' => 'ContactBlock'
private static $has_many = array(
'ContactBlockFieldAnswers' => 'ContactBlockFieldAnswer',
private static $many_many = array(
'FormFields' => 'ContactBlockField'
static $summary_fields = array(
public function getCMSFields() {
$fields = parent::getCMSFields();
//=== REMOVE FIELDS ====
//=== REMOVE FIELDS ====
return $fields;
public function onBeforeDelete() {
// Delete answers that are associated with this block.
$data = ContactBlockFieldAnswer::get()
->filter('ContactBlockEntry', $this->ID);
foreach( $data as $d) {
public function getDate() {
$date = date('d/m/Y',strtotime($this->Created));
return $date;
This is the field code:
class ContactBlockField extends DataObject {
private static $db = array(
'SortOrder' => 'Int',
'FieldName' => 'Varchar',
'FieldType' => 'Varchar',
'DropdownValues' => 'Varchar(255)',
'Label' => 'Varchar',
'Placeholder' => 'Varchar',
'Required' => 'Boolean'
private static $has_one = array(
'ContactBlock' => 'ContactBlock',
private static $has_many = array(
'ContactBlockFieldAnswer' => 'ContactBlockFieldAnswer',
private static $belongs_many_many = array(
'Entries' => 'ContactBlockEntry'
static $searchable_fields = array(
static $summary_fields = array(
'FieldType' => 'Field Type',
'Label' => 'Field Label',
'Required' => 'Required Field?'
public function getCMSFields() {
$fields = parent::getCMSFields();
// Unrelated stuff here
return $fields;
I can't seem to figure out how to get the column labels, and their relevant data showing on the gridfield. Any help or advice would be much appreciated.
UPDATE 24/3/17:
OK I've got a little further with this. On the ContactBlockEntry
DataObject, after implementing the changes suggested by UncleCheese, I have discovered the following:
public function getFirstField() {
return $this->FormFields()->first();
public function getSecondField() {
return $this->FormFields()->offsetGet(1);
public function getThirdField() {
return $this->FormFields()->offsetGet(2);
public function summaryFields() {
return [
'Date' => 'Submitted',
'Answers.First.Value' => $this->getFirstField()->Label,
'Answers.Second.Value' => $this->getSecondField()->Label,
'Answers.Third.Value' => $this->getThirdField()->Label,
is returning [Notice] Trying to get property of non-object
however, when I echo/print this function in getCMSFields() I can see the label value.
works. It returns the value/answer submitted in the first field. The problem is, I can't seem to get the second and third values, as I can't figure out the method to retrieve them. I tried offsetGet() and it said the method isn't available.