
I'm setting up my JavaEE environment with IntelliJ Idea 2016.3.5 at my Mac, Sierra. My Tomcat live at /usr/local/3th party app/appache-tomcat-8.0.36./. I'm not able to use another Tomcat, e.g. somewhere at /User folder, where I deploy the webapp.

Error running Tomcat: Cannot run program "/usr/local/app/apache-tomcat-8.0.36/" (in directory "/usr/local/app/apache-tomcat-8.0.36/bin"): error=13, Permission denied

My question: How can I get the access to this Tomcat folder when I set the path to tool settings for IntelliJ's external tool?

You should specify the startup script which has +x permission, not a directory (/usr/local/app/apache-tomcat-8.0.36/bin/startup.sh)CrazyCoder

1 Answers


You must ensure that you are able to read your tomcat directory.
Open terminal and locate your tomcat directory. Run this command:

chmod -R 777 usr/local/app/apache-tomcat-8.0.36/

That should allow you to run the tomcat server as an external tool in IntelliJ IDEA.