I simply wish to be able to toggle with a hotkey Minimize & Maximize on one certain full screen app that I always use. I want to use this for only one app, and not whichever app has focus.
I have read dozens of ways to do this online, none of which have worked.
I know there are a few commands that I could use:
WinMinimize, A
WinMaximize, A
But I am not sure how to string it all together. When looking for examples I came up with this somewhere:
IfWinExist, ahk_class Notepad
WinGet,WinState,MinMax,ahk_class Notepad
If WinState = -1
; else
; Run, Notepad
However this only maximized my app, and not minimized it. Perhaps this was due to the fact app was a fullscreen app, i don't know.
Edit This Script
, 2) pasting your code into it, replacing the existing code, 3) right clicking the AutoHotKey icon again and choosingReload This Script
, 4) Starting notepad, 5) pressing Control+Win+N repeatedly - The notepad window maximized and minimized as intended. I had only one instance of Notepad running. – Jim U