
I am using following function to fetch records in my report.

def get_records(self):
    recsss = self.pool.get('overtime_oms_bcube.overtime_oms_bcube').search(self.cr,self.uid, [], context=self.context)
    resss = self.pool.get('overtime_oms_bcube.overtime_oms_bcube').browse(self.cr, self.uid, recsss)
    return resss

and calling the records by following way:

<t t-set="i" t-value="1"/>
<tr t-foreach="get_records()" t-as="data">

    <td style="display:none">
        <t t-esc="i"/>
        <t t-set="i" t-value="i+1"/>

    <td t-esc="data['employee_code']"></td>
    <td t-esc="data['employee'].name"></td>
    <td t-esc="data['employee'].job_id.name"></td>
    <td t-esc="data['no_of_days']"></td>
    <td t-esc="data['employee'].contract_id.wage"></td>
    <td t-esc="data['employee'].contract_id.wage*0.64516129"></td>

The problem is that the resulting report is showing all the records saved in the data base. I want it to show only those records which are selected in the tree view. As you see the active/selected records in the image below.

enter image description hereAnd even in if we are in the single record view and generate a report, it still shows all the record but according to the flow it need to generate a report of that record from where we are generating that report.

please suggest something that helps in such requirement. Thanks in advance.

How did you get to call the function get_records(), I always get the nonetype error whenever I call a function from qweb without the o. in front. Or can you maybe provide your full xml code? thanks JesseJesse
dont call t-foreach t-as=o on the topSabir Mustafa

3 Answers


Relace this code:

def get_records(self):
    recsss = self.pool.get('overtime_oms_bcube.overtime_oms_bcube').search(self.cr,self.uid, [], context=self.context)
    resss = self.pool.get('overtime_oms_bcube.overtime_oms_bcube').browse(self.cr, self.uid, recsss)
    return resss

withe the following

def get_records(self):
  active_ids =  self.context.get('active_ids',False)
  recsss = self.pool.get('overtime_oms_bcube.overtime_oms_bcube').search(self.cr,self.uid, [('id','in',active_ids)], context=self.context)
  resss = self.pool.get('overtime_oms_bcube.overtime_oms_bcube').browse(self.cr, self.uid, recsss)
  return resss

It will generate the active Ids only. Cheers!


Step 1: Create Wizard Example of odoo default product pricelist report wizard

Click on Print button system will call wizard print method

Step: 2: Create Print method in Wizard

def print_report(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
    To get the date and print the report
    @return : return report
    if context is None:
        context = {}
    datas = {'ids': context.get('active_ids', [])}
    res = self.read(cr, uid, ids, ['price_list','qty1', 'qty2','qty3','qty4','qty5'], context=context)
    res = res and res[0] or {}
    res['price_list'] = res['price_list'][0]
    datas['form'] = res
    return self.pool['report'].get_action(cr, uid, [], 'product.report_pricelist', data=datas, context=context)

In The Context you will get active ids and get_action method will print report


Try to check if active_ids is present in context when calling your method. If it is present, just use the IDs for your browse() call.