
I am not sure if something is wrong with my code or if I have to handle the error differently. I have an instance of Gear and the other one is bLine. I am trying to make both move as soon as the gear falls on the line. So what I have inside of the instance coded is:

var ev2:Event = new Event("transfer");



In the bLine I have: `

import flash.events.Event;


function Move(e:Event):void {


Then, in the main timeline:

 import flash.events.Event;

function transferGear(e:MouseEvent) {


This is the output I'm getting: "TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.events::Event@16bbd6bb7821 to flash.events.MouseEvent. at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction() at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()

at Rube2_fla::mc_gear_4/frame24()"

So what am I doing wrong and how I could fix it?

Try (e:Event) or even (e:Event = null) instead of (e:MouseEvent). Your gear.addEventListener has no mouse events defined so later the function transferGear cannot be told to expect input of type MouseEventVC.One
You are awesome, thank you so much. I didn't even notice that!!Catalina
PS: The point of using (e:Event = null) it allows you to also use same function even at those times when not involving some event. For that just do a transferGear(); anytime to make bLine go to frame 2.VC.One

1 Answers


You can either change function parameter:

function transferGear(e:Event) {...}

Or event class you are dispatching.

new MouseEvent("transfer");

But in this case you are crating more additional field that you don't need (like local X)

Most iteally you would extend Event class with your own and use define some custom static types to work like this:


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If you want to do more advance stuff than simply play some animation or click a button then I would suggest to install some IDE and separate your code from your .fla file.

Flash develop for example generate event listener code automatically when you hit ctrt + shift + 1 so it is hard to make a mistake. It something looks like this (not edited, system out of RAM... :/).

enter image description here

Also by convention we start function names from lower case letter so you can distinguish it from a class.