I have a bot with the following conversation scenario:
- Send text to LUIS
- LUIS intent calls
to launch a Dialog This dialog terminates, save some info in the userData:
private static async Task storeBotData(IDialogContext context, BotData userData) { Activity activity = (Activity)context.Activity; StateClient sc = activity.GetStateClient(); await sc.BotState.SetUserDataAsync(activity.ChannelId, activity.From.Id, userData); }
And after it call another dialog, again with
.Then the last dialog runs and terminates.
My problem is that when updating the user data at the end of the first dialog (step 3), I have the following exception in the Bot Framework Channel Emulator:
`Exception: The data is changed [File of type 'text/plain']`...
What happens here ? I think that when a dialog terminates, it call setUserData
by itself, but I don't understand why I can't update userData anywhere in the code...
I have tried to catch the exception, but nothing is catched.. But I know that the userData is updated, because when I try to retrieve it back, it is updated...
Any help is welcome :)