I'm not being able to publish a scheduled WebJob to Azure App Service. I'm using Visual Studio 2017.
With this settings all works fine:
{ "$schema": "http://schemastore.org/schemas/json/webjob-publish-settings.json", "webJobName": "WebJobName", "runMode": "OnDemand" }
But when I set this settings:
{ "$schema": "http://schemastore.org/schemas/json/webjob-publish-settings.json", "webJobName": "WebJobName", "startTime": "2017-03-17T07:00:00+00:00", "endTime": "2027-03-17T07:00:00+00:00", "jobRecurrenceFrequency": "Day", "interval": 1, "runMode": "Scheduled" }
Visual Studio 2017 crashes at the "Creating the scheduler job" step.
I can't find how to schedule this job, I'm using the package Microsoft.Web.WebJobs.Publish 1.0.13
Can anyone help me?