I have a generic template for a k8s resource that I want to expand n times (if you are curious, it is so that I can create n members of a mongo cluster and they are using the statefulset resource so that each member has a stable network name).
Obviously I need different values each time through the loop. I am looping over a series of indices generated by the Sprig "until" function. But the $index for the loop does not get set in the "." namespace. So I am unable to refer the the current iteration inside of my defined template in my _helpers.tpl file.
here is an example template w/full k8s resource yaml (I'm abbreviating most of it):
{{- define "mytest" -}}
apiVersion: apps/v1beta1
kind: StatefulSet
- name: mongod-$index
{{- end -}}
{{ range $index, $e := until .Values.mongod_count }}
{{include "mytest" .}}
{{ end}}
I just get: undefined variable "$index"
I have tried with blocks too, like this in my (caller) template:
{{ $foo := "somevalue" }}
{{ define "my_extra_labels" }} bla {{ .Values.test }}_{{$foo}}{{end}}
{{ template "mytest" . }}
And this in my _helpers.tpl
{{/* Test stuff */}}
{{- define "mytest" -}}
hello: world_how_are_{{ block "my_extra_labels" . }}{{ end }}
{{- end -}}
The variable $foo is not defined in the "define" body.
This template scoping feels so restrictive that at this point I can't see how to use it to solve my current scenario.
Is there some way to shove variables into the "." namespace? And if so (crossing my fingers) is there a way to merge namespaces in some way so that I can still access .Values and .Chart variables?