Here an example of my list (I actually have > 2,000 df in the real one):
df1 = read.table(text = 'a b
1 66
1 999
23 89', header = TRUE)
df2 = read.table(text = 'a b
99 61
32 99
83 19', header = TRUE)
lst = list(df1, df2)
I need to create a new column for each data.frame within the list and populate each column with a specific number.
numbers = c(100, 200)
so my output should be:
> lst
a b new_col
1 1 66 100
2 1 999 100
3 23 89 100
a b new_col
1 99 61 200
2 32 99 200
3 83 19 200
With lapply
I was able to create a new blank column for each data.frame:
lst = lapply(lst, cbind, new_col = '')
> lst
a b new_col
1 1 66
2 1 999
3 23 89
a b new_col
1 99 61
2 32 99
3 83 19
But I don't know how to populate the columns with my vector of numbers.