
I'm testing the example codes from this page: https://svn.apache.org/viewvc/pdfbox/trunk/examples/src/main/java/org/apache/pdfbox/examples/signature/

But inside the file CreateSignatureBase.java, exactly in the functions getMDPPermission and setMDPPermission, it calls a property that doesn't exist anymore: COSName.DOCMDP. I perused the Pdfbox page and its migration guide and it doesn't mention this property and how to replace it. I also looked into the PDfbox source code (exactly the file COSName.java) and It doesn't have that property, despite this file: https://svn.apache.org/viewvc/pdfbox/branches/2.0/pdfbox/src/main/java/org/apache/pdfbox/cos/COSName.java?view=markup does have it.

I checked both pdfbox-2.0.4.jar and pdfbox-app-2.0.4.jar adding them to the Netbeans project where I'm testing the java files from the pdfbox examples. None of them have the property COSName.DOCMDP in the COSName class. Both jars and the pdfbox sourcecode are downloaded from here: https://pdfbox.apache.org/download.cgi#20x

How can I replace the property COSName.DOCMDP in the CreateSignatureBase class? Am I getting the right jars?

It will be in 2.0.5, in a few days.Tilman Hausherr

1 Answers


It will appear in 2.1.0 version:

https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/PDFBOX-3017 https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/PDFBOX-3699


If you need it for testing purposes, you may download it's SNAPSHOT version from https://repository.apache.org/content/groups/snapshots/org/apache/pdfbox/pdfbox/

Or, you may see this example in current stable version - just download 2.0.4 jar and browse examples.