I have a schema and name of columns to apply UDF to. Name of columns are user input and they can differ in numbers for each input. Is there a way to apply UDFs to N columns in dataframe ?
Trying to achieve this. for schema with say col1,col2,col3,col4,col5
DataFrame newDF = df.withColumn("col2", callUDF("test", (df.col("col2"))));
DataFrame newDF = df.withColumn("col2", callUDF("test", (df.col("col2"))))
.withColumn("col3", callUDF("test", (df.col("col3"))));
DataFrame newDF = df.withColumn("col2", callUDF("test", (df.col("col1"))))
.withColumn("col3", callUDF("test", (df.col("col3"))))
.withColumn("col5", callUDF("test", (df.col("col5"))))
or for N columns.
Any ideas ?