
I am using matplotlib.image.imsave('file.png',file,cmap=cmap) to save a .png of a 2d Numpy array where the array can only have values of 0, 1 or 10. I would like 0 to be white, 1 to be green and 10 to be red. I saw something similar at this question: Matplotlib: Custom colormap with three colors . The problem is that imsave does not take norm as an argument but using pyplot is too slow for my application. Any assistance would be appreciated!

Both great answers, I appreciate the feedback. With my specific application, using LinearSgmentedColormap.from_list had significant performance benefits.chemnteach

2 Answers


The input array consisting of values [0,1,10] is not really an image array. Image arrays would go from 0 to 255 or from 0. to 1..

a. using a LinearSegmentedColormap

An idea can be to normalize your array im to 1.: im = im/im.max(). It is then possible to create a colormap with the values 0 -> white, 0.1 -> green, 1 -> red using matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list.

import matplotlib.image
import numpy as np

im = np.random.choice([0,1,10], size=(90, 90), p=[0.5,0.3,0.2])

im2 = im/10.
clist = [(0,"white"), (1./10.,"green"), (1, "red")]
cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("name", clist)
matplotlib.image.imsave(__file__+'.png', im, cmap=cmap)

enter image description here

The corresponding pyplot plot

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.imshow(im, cmap=cmap)

would look like this

enter image description here

b. using a ListedColormap

A ListedColormap can be used to generate a colormap of the three colors white, green and red. In this colormap the colors are equally spaced, so one needs to map the image array to equally spaced values as well. This can be done using np.unique(im,return_inverse=True)[1].reshape(im.shape), which returns an array containing only the values [0,1,2]. We again need to normalize to 1.

im = np.random.choice([0,1,10], size=(90, 90), p=[0.5,0.3,0.2])

im2 = np.unique(im,return_inverse=True)[1].reshape(im.shape)
im3 = im2/float(im2.max())

clist = ["white", "green","red"]
cmap = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(clist)
matplotlib.image.imsave(__file__+'2.png',im3, cmap=cmap) 

enter image description here

While the output image looks exactly the same as above, the corresponding matplotlib plot would have a different colorbar.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.imshow(im2, cmap=cmap)
cb = plt.colorbar(ticks=[0,1,2])

enter image description here


Just build a (N, M, 3) array and treat it as image-pixels in RGB-mode. Then it's enough to map your 3 unique values to those 3 colors.


import numpy as np
from scipy.misc import imsave

raw = np.random.choice((0,1,10), size=(500, 500))
img = np.empty((raw.shape[0], raw.shape[1], 3))

img[raw == 0] = (255, 255, 255)  # RGB -> white
img[raw == 1] = (0,255,0)        #        green
img[raw == 10] = (255,0,0)       #        red

imsave('image.png', img)

enter image description here

I'm using scipy's imsave here, but the matplotlib one probably works the same.