I'll try to explain the question better... I am creating a sub theme from classy. I would like a way to pass variables into my theme via some kind of UI. I'm very new to Drupal 8 (and Drupal dev in general) so please let me know if you need more information.
For the record I am aware of preprocess function in Drupal however the variables I'm talking about wouldn't initially be set there...
For example... let's say I create a new node from a content type called basic page. I want a way that when I create a new basic page that there are options such as "number of columns; font-family; color scheme; etc" and I can define those on a per page basis. Then... in my theming I can dynamically look at the values set for the current page and render it accordingly. I come from a ColdFusion background with things such as request.page variables... so this is all new to me.
EDIT: I realize I could just add fields to the content type but I was told that adding fields to a content type that are metadata and not actual pertinent data to the content type is a bad practice.
Thanks for any help possible.