New query: I am trying to pass DSum() as parameter to RemoteActor from localActor, DSum() will do some calculation at Remote node. I am unable to send this to RemoteActor. IS it possible ??(code below)
Done:I am trying to connect Remote actor and local actor, and trying to send objects using case class, but it is unable to get the Message class ( Common.Message(msg) ) of the RemoteActor when being called from localActor, instead it is getting "case _ => println("Received unknown msg from local ")"
package object check {
trait Context
case object Start
case class Message(msg: String)
case class CxtDA(cxtA: List[CxtA])
case class RCxt(var cxtA: List[CxtA], var cxtB: List[CxtB], var v1: Int, var v2: String) extends Context
case class CxtA(var cxtC: List[CxtC], var v1: Int) extends Context
case class CxtB(var cxtC: List[CxtC], var v1: Int) extends Context
case class CxtC(var v1: String, var v2: Int) extends Context
case class Task(var t1: DSum())
2. Remote Actor
package com.akka.remote
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import check._
* Remote actor which listens on port 5150
class RemoteActor extends Actor {
override def toString: String = {
return "You printed the Local";
def receive = {
case msg: String => {
println("remote received " + msg + " from " + sender)
sender ! "hi"
case Message(msg) =>
println("RemoteActor received message "+ msg)
sender ! Message("Hello from server")
case CxtDA(cxtA) =>
println("cxtA "+ cxtA)
case Task(taskA) =>
println ("recieved closure")
case _ => println("unknown msg")
object RemoteActor{
def main(args: Array[String]) {
//get the configuration file from classpath
val configFile = getClass.getClassLoader.getResource("remote_application.conf").getFile
// //parse the config
val config = ConfigFactory.parseFile(new File(configFile))
// //create an actor system with that config
val system = ActorSystem("RemoteSystem" , config)
// //create a remote actor from actorSystem
val remoteActor = system.actorOf(Props[RemoteActor], name="remote")
println("remote is ready")
remoteActor ! Message("Hello from active remote")
3.Local Actor
package com.akka.local
import{Props, Actor, ActorSystem}
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import check._
import scala.util.Random
* Local actor which listens on any free port
trait CxtTask {
type CxtT <: Context
def work(ctx: CxtT): CxtT
class DSum extends CxtTask with Serializable{
override type CxtT = CxtA
def work(ctx: CxtA): CxtA = {
val sum = ctx.cxtC.foldRight(0)((v, acc) => v.v2 + acc)
ctx.cxtC= List()
ctx.v1 = sum
println("ctx: " + ctx)
class LocalActor extends Actor{
// import Common._
val remoteActor = context.actorSelection("akka.tcp://[email protected]:5150/user/remote")
println("That 's remote:" + remoteActor)
remoteActor ! "hi"
var counter = 0
override def toString: String = {
return "You printed the Local";
def receive = {
case msg:String => {
println("got message from remote" + msg)
case Start =>
println("inside Start.local "+ remoteActor)
remoteActor ! Message("Hello from the LocalActor")
case Message(msg) =>
println("LocalActor received message: "+ msg)
if (counter < 5) {
sender ! Message("Hello back to you")
counter += 1
case CxtDA(cxtA) =>
remoteActor ! CxtDA(cxtA)
case Task(t1) =>
remoteActor ! Task(t1)
object LocalActor {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val configFile = getClass.getClassLoader.getResource("local_application.conf").getFile
val config = ConfigFactory.parseFile(new File(configFile))
val system = ActorSystem("ClientSystem",config)
val localActor = system.actorOf(Props[LocalActor], name="local")
localActor ! Start
def createRndCxtC(count: Int):List[CxtC] = (for (i <- 1 to count) yield CxtC(Random.nextString(5), 3)).toList
def createRndCxtB(count: Int): List[CxtB] = (for (i <- 1 to count) yield CxtB(createRndCxtC(count), Random.nextInt())).toList
def createRndCxtA(count: Int): List[CxtA] = (for (i <- 1 to count) yield CxtA(createRndCxtC(count), Random.nextInt())).toList
val tree = RCxt(createRndCxtA(2),createRndCxtB(2),1,"")
val workA = new DSum()
tree.cxtA.foreach(ctxa =>
localActor ! Task(new DSum())
[Remote actor output][1]
case msg => println(msg)
– Bianca Tesila