I got some trouble with my xampp on Win 10, as so many have had before me...
It's the same old port problem with skype and IIS.
I used to quit skype and stop the world wide web publishing service, but am sick of having to go through the whole ordial every time I start xampp.
so yesterday I changed the ports for my apache server and ecerything worked fine.
started up today and boom...localhost couldn't find my pages.
So I checked for port problems in xampp...there were none! apache was up and running(as were mysql server and filezilla). no error messages, nothing.
I resetted the ports to 80 and 443. killed of skype and the iis and everything worked fine again. Now whenever I change the ports, it will not run.
I did everything according to here:
How to change XAMPP apache server port?
(I changed the ports in httpd.conf, httpd-ssl.conf and in service and port settings )
I just don't get it. why it won't run with changed ports(and yes I checked the ports for being empty).
atm I have changed the port 80 -> 8024
and port 443 -> 1337 (no matter what I change this port to it always throws bad request)
8024 works fine. I can get to the dashboard via localhost:8024 but localhost:1337 gives me a bad request.
any suggestions, or similar encounters? For now will have to continue using standart ports and kill of the 2 processes, but I really wanna skip that in the future.
I used port 80->8024
and port 443->448 yesterday and it worked fine...really weird...