
Without knowing how Laravel facades work, based on my PHP knowledge, I tried to extend Storage facade to add some new functionalities.

I have this code:

class MyStorageFacade extends Facade {
     * Get the binding in the IoC container
     * @return string
    protected static function getFacadeAccessor()
        return 'MyStorage'; // the IoC binding.

While booting service provider:

    return new MyStorage($app);

And facade is:

class MyStorage extends \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage{

When using it:

use Namespace\MyStorage\MyStorageFacade as MyStorage;

I get this error:

FatalThrowableError in Facade.php line 237: Call to undefined method Namespace\MyStorage\MyStorage::disk()

Also tried to extend MyStorage form Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem and got the same error in other way:

BadMethodCallException in Macroable.php line 74: Method disk does not exist.


2 Answers


Your MyStorage class needs to extend FilesystemManager not the Storage facade class.

class MyStorage extends \Illuminate\Filesystem\FilesystemManager {

A facade is just a convenience class that will convert a static call Facade::method to resolove("binding")->method (more or less). You need to extend from Filesystem, register that in IoC, keep your facade as it is, and use the Facade as a static.

The facade:

class MyStorageFacade extends Facade {      
    protected static function getFacadeAccessor()
        return 'MyStorage'; // This one is fine

Your custom storage class:

class MyStorage extends Illuminate\Filesystem\FilesystemManager {

In any service provider (e.g. AppServiceProvider)

   return new MyStorage($app);

Then when you need to use it use it as:

MyStorageFacade::disk(); //Should work.