
I'm trying to send an image from one view to another via a segue and display said image in an UIImageView.

The following code gets the picture and assigns it to a global UIImage variable. Excuse the graphics code, I've been playing around trying to merge an image and a text field to create a single image:

@IBAction func sendSnap(_ sender: Any) {
    var size = CGSize(width: self.takenImage.size.width, height: self.takenImage.size.height)
    let areaSize = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: self.takenImage.size.width, height: self.takenImage.size.height)
    self.takenImage.draw(in: areaSize)
    var outputImage:UIImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()!
    self.finalImage = outputImage

I then created a segue with an identifier going from a button to the destination controller and handled the data within the prepare func:

override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
    if segue.identifier == "showFinal" {
        let lastVC = segue.destination as! TestingViewController
        lastVC.image = self.finalImage

The problem I'm having is for some reason, the lastVC.image isn't being assigned with self.finalImage.

I've checked the height/width of final image to ensure it's not empty.

Here is my code for TestingViewController (destination): @IBOutlet weak var displayImage: UIImageView! var image: UIImage = UIImage()

override func viewDidLoad() {
    self.displayImage.image = image
    // Do any additional setup after loading the view.

image.size.height is printing 0.0 in the console so I definitely know the image isn't being sent across... but I'm unsure where to go from here?

Have you put a breakpoint in preparForSegue to ensure that your condition is being met and your assignment executing - i.e. is that really your segue's ID?Ali Beadle
Also note: all those "self." before your property names are not required in Swift.Ali Beadle
I put a simple print within the segue condition to ensure that the code was being executed. That seems to be fine. Unsure how else to test @AliBeadleuser6845426
Can you add the global variables? You can also do print(self.finalImage) inside your prepareForSegue() to see if the image is not nilYannick
The first breakpoint to use is on lastVC.image = self.finalImage in prepareForSeque. See if you have something for finalImage. Go from there putting breakpoints ahead or behind, depending on what you find.dfd

2 Answers


I'm guessing you have both

@IBAction func sendSnap(_ sender: Any) {}

and a segue assigned to the same button. When you tap the button, the segue is triggered along with prepare() and sendSnap() is called. Which one is running first?

A better approach would be to create a "named" segue, then have the button tap call sendSnap(), and at the end of sendSnap() call:

performSegue(withIdentifier: "showFinal", sender: self)

1) In the destination View "showFinal" create a reference for your image.

var imageDisplay: UIImage? {
        if let image = imageDisplay {
           self.displayImage.image = image

2) Now send the this value.

override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
if segue.identifier == "showFinal" {
    let lastVC = segue.destination as! TestingViewController
    lastVC.imageDisplay = self.finalImage
