I'm trying to implement a feature in my app where I the user can select a picture from their camera roll and the app will decode a QR code in the image is detected.
I'm currently using react-native-camera-roll-picker: https://github.com/jeanpan/react-native-camera-roll-picker and react-native-qrcode-local-image: https://github.com/remobile/react-native-qrcode-local-image
The problem is the local QR code image library wants me to pass a local path and isn't compatible with the native uri provided by react-native-camera-roll-picker. I would use another library for decoding the image QR code but this one appears to be the only one that works on iOS and Android and scans from existing images rather than from the actual camera.
I've also tried implementing react-native-fetch-blob in order to temporarily save the camera roll image locally, but that's been giving me trouble as well: https://github.com/wkh237/react-native-fetch-blob
This is my current attempt in a function that I call in the "callback" prop for react-native-camera-roll-picker (with previous attempts commented out):
_pickedImage(array,currentImg) {
var path = RNFS.DocumentDirectoryPath + '/pickedqr';
let rnfbURI = RNFetchBlob.wrap(RNFetchBlob.fs.asset(currentImg.uri))
const Blob = RNFetchBlob.polyfill.Blob
Blob.build(rnfbURI, {type:'image/jpg'}).then((b) => {
tmpBlob = b;
RNFetchBlob.fs.readFile(tmpBlob, 'base64').then((data) => {
console.log("Base64", data)
QRDecoder.decode(`data:image/gif;base64,${data}`, (error, result)=>{
console.log("Code", result)
console.log("Error", error)
/*fullPath = currentImg.uri.replace("assets-library://", "cdvfile://localhost/assets-library/")
QRDecoder.decode(fullPath, (error, result)=>{
console.log("Code", result)
console.log("Error", error)
/*let blb = Blob.build( rnfbURI, { type: 'image/jpg'})
/*RNFetchBlob.fs.readFile(rnfbURI, 'base64').then((data) => {
console.log("Base64", data)
QRDecoder.decode(`data:image/gif;base64,${data}`, (error, result)=>{
console.log("Code", result)
console.log("Error", error)
I'm at a total loss at the moment so any methods or insight would be much appreciated.
#23 with this solutionhttps://stackguides.com/questions/7221167/how-to-check-if-an-alasset-still-exists-using-a-url
. – Sagar Khatri