Here are part of my grammar:
: expr_address_category expr_opt { $$ = new ExprAddress($1,*$2);}
| axis axis_data { $$ = new ExprAddress($1,*$2);}
: expr_opt { $$ = $1;}
| sign { if($1 == MINUS)
$$ = new IntergerExpr(-1000000000);
else if($1 == PLUS)
$$ = new IntergerExpr(+1000000000);}
: { $$ = new IntergerExpr(0);}
| expr { $$ = $1;}
: I { $$ = NCAddress_I;}
| J { $$ = NCAddress_J;}
| K { $$ = NCAddress_K;}
: X { $$ = NCAddress_X;}
| Y { $$ = NCAddress_Y;}
| Z { $$ = NCAddress_Z;}
| U { $$ = NCAddress_U;}
| V { $$ = NCAddress_V;}
| W { $$ = NCAddress_W;}
: '[' expr ']' {$$ = $2;}
| COS parenthesized_expr {$$ = new BuiltinMethodCallExpr(COS,*$2);}
| SIN parenthesized_expr {$$ = new BuiltinMethodCallExpr(SIN,*$2);}
| ATAN parenthesized_expr {$$ = new BuiltinMethodCallExpr(ATAN,*$2);}
| SQRT parenthesized_expr {$$ = new BuiltinMethodCallExpr(SQRT,*$2);}
| ROUND parenthesized_expr {$$ = new BuiltinMethodCallExpr(ROUND,*$2);}
| variable {$$ = $1;}
| literal
| expr '+' expr {$$ = new BinaryOperatorExpr(*$1,PLUS,*$3);}
| expr '-' expr {$$ = new BinaryOperatorExpr(*$1,MINUS,*$3);}
| expr '*' expr {$$ = new BinaryOperatorExpr(*$1,MUL,*$3);}
| expr '/' expr {$$ = new BinaryOperatorExpr(*$1,DIV,*$3);}
| sign expr %prec UMINUS {$$ = new UnaryOperatorExpr($1,*$2);}
| expr EQ expr {$$ = new BinaryOperatorExpr(*$1,EQ,*$3);}
| expr NE expr {$$ = new BinaryOperatorExpr(*$1,NE,*$3);}
| expr GT expr {$$ = new BinaryOperatorExpr(*$1,GT,*$3);}
| expr GE expr {$$ = new BinaryOperatorExpr(*$1,GE,*$3);}
| expr LT expr {$$ = new BinaryOperatorExpr(*$1,LT,*$3);}
| expr LE expr {$$ = new BinaryOperatorExpr(*$1,LE,*$3);}
: d_h_address {$$ = new AddressExpr(*$1);}
: D INTEGER_LITERAL { $$ = new IntAddress(NCAddress_D,$2);}
| H INTEGER_LITERAL { $$ = new IntAddress(NCAddress_H,$2);}
I hope my grammar support that like:
X+H100; //means H100 variable ref
The top two are same with X0; By the way,sign -> +/-;
But bison report conflicts,the key part of bison.output:
State 108
11 expr: sign . expr
64 axis_data: sign .
INTEGER_LITERAL shift, and go to state 93
REAL_LITERAL shift, and go to state 94
'+' shift, and go to state 74
'-' shift, and go to state 75
COS shift, and go to state 95
SIN shift, and go to state 96
ATAN shift, and go to state 97
SQRT shift, and go to state 98
ROUND shift, and go to state 99
D shift, and go to state 35
H shift, and go to state 36
'[' shift, and go to state 100
D [reduce using rule 64 (axis_data)]
H [reduce using rule 64 (axis_data)]
$default reduce using rule 64 (axis_data)
State 69
62 expr_address: axis . axis_data
INTEGER_LITERAL shift, and go to state 93
REAL_LITERAL shift, and go to state 94
'+' shift, and go to state 74
'-' shift, and go to state 75
COS shift, and go to state 95
SIN shift, and go to state 96
ATAN shift, and go to state 97
SQRT shift, and go to state 98
ROUND shift, and go to state 99
D shift, and go to state 35
H shift, and go to state 36
'[' shift, and go to state 100
D [reduce using rule 65 (expr_opt)]
H [reduce using rule 65 (expr_opt)]
$default reduce using rule 65 (expr_opt)
State 68
61 expr_address: expr_address_category . expr_opt
INTEGER_LITERAL shift, and go to state 93
REAL_LITERAL shift, and go to state 94
'+' shift, and go to state 74
'-' shift, and go to state 75
COS shift, and go to state 95
SIN shift, and go to state 96
ATAN shift, and go to state 97
SQRT shift, and go to state 98
ROUND shift, and go to state 99
D shift, and go to state 35
H shift, and go to state 36
'[' shift, and go to state 100
D [reduce using rule 65 (expr_opt)]
H [reduce using rule 65 (expr_opt)]
$default reduce using rule 65 (expr_opt)
I don't know how to deal with this,thanks advance.
EDIT: I make a minimal grammar:
#include <stdio.h>
extern "C" int yylex();
void yyerror(const char *s) { printf("ERROR: %s/n", s); }
%token PLUS '+' MINUS '-'
%token D H I J K X Y Z INT
/*%type sign expr var expr_address_category expr_opt
%type axis */
%start word_list
/*Above grammar lost this rule,it makes ambiguous*/
: word
| word_list word
: var
| sign expr
| '[' expr ']'
: expr_address
| var '=' expr
: expr_address_category expr_opt
/*| '(' axis sign ')'*/
| axis sign
: /* empty */
| expr
: I
| J
| K
| axis
: X
| Y
| Z
and I hope it can support:
X+0; //the top three are same with X0
X+H100; //this means X's data is ref +H100;
X+H100=10; //two word on a block,X+ and H100=10;
XH100=10; //two word on a block,X and H100=10;
The above EDIT lost this rule.
: word_list ';'
| ';'
Because I have to allow such grammar:
H000 = 100 H001 = 200 H002 = 300;
can appear. Also, I didn't understand how to apply "the top two are the same withX0
" toH100=20;
– ricisign
(I used'(' expr ')'
), and eliminate theliteral
option fromexpr
as I have no idea what that would be. There are various assumptions there so obviously if they are wrong, there might be conflicts as a result. Note that How to Ask indicates the need for a minimal reproducible example; it's worth taking the time to read those requests because they will help you ask questions which can be answered. – riciexpr_address
to be followed by anexpr
so interpretingX+
toaxis axis_data
is not possible with a lookahead ofH
. As I said, the grammar fragment works fine on its own so the problem is an interaction with some rule you haven't shown us. – rici