I am trying to access an RDS database in a VPC from elastic beanstalk. I tried adding the vpcgroup to the the security group list for elastic beanstalk, which works for a regular ec2 instance, but when I try to do this for the elastic beanstalk security group I get the following error message:
Could not update your security group rules (No changes were made): You may not define rules between a VPC group and a non-VPC group
I have also tried adding the existing security group I use for ec2, which can access the RDS database, to the elastic beanstalk instance, but when I do that it says the security group does not exist. How can I make it so that the elastic beanstalk instance has access to my RDS database? Alternatively, what do I need to put in the config.yml file so that it starts out with my prexisting security group that already has access to the RDS database / VPC?