
Recently we start using Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) online, as a source control and DevOps continuous integration. and we started to make builds. (VisualStudio.com)

We need the remote build to be able to deploy packages (IIS sites) to our on-premises servers (internal network servers like UAT , QA servers).

I'm not sure how to connect the VSTS to our network, are there a way to setup a VPN or something like that. I couldn't found in setting or documentation.

enter image description here


3 Answers


The list of machines seems relative to the location of the build/deploy agent.

We just started playing with this, but here's what we have done so far:

At this point, the build/deploy is within your network, so the machines are listed as if you are accessing them locally from the agent. ( is the agent etc)


You could also use Deployment Groups (need to contact Microsoft to enable on your account). Then you can use the Hosted Agent and deploy locally into your network. When you setup the Deployment Groups it creates a service that runs on the local machines that need to be deployed to.


I was able to deploy to a local machine by creating a Deployment Group(did not had to contact Microsoft), and registering the machine via a PowerShell script that included the PAK, this was done by following the steps on the IIS Website Deployment template on create new release. I have the code hosted on VSTS, a Build definition for building online, and deploying in Azure and on a local machine. Hope it helps.