
Hi I am trying to count the number of unique product codes in a range with one criteria applied using.

The formula so far is:

 =COUNTIFS(INDIRECT("'" & B7 & "'!" & B8 & ":" & B9),"*Germany*",INDIRECT("'" & O7 & "'!" & O8 & ":" & O9),"criteria for counting unique values")

I don't understand how to adopt the formulas that I have seen online to use the INDIRECT range reference I am using.

The range of unique values that need counting are product codes containing both alpha and numerical characters and the cell type is text.

Can someone please help me understand what I need to add to my formula?



2 Answers


If there are no blanks, you can try:


This assumes your INDIRECT is correctly resolving to your desired address:

  • B7: Sheet name of first range
  • B8: Start Cell of first range
  • B9: End Cell of first range
  • O7: Sheet name of second range
  • O8: Start Cell of second range
  • O9: End Cell of second range

This is the other way of doing it - adapted from Barry Houdini's answer and see also


You could add a test for blank cells if you wanted to


Is an array formula and must be entered with CtrlShiftEnter