I'm trying to charge money into a stripe managed (connected) account and then immediately transfer it from the managed account to the bank account of the user. To achieve this I'm making use of the source_transfer parameter in order to delay the actual payout until the money has been received. (documented here: https://stripe.com/docs/connect/charges-transfers#transfer-availability)
I'm posting a request to https://api.stripe.com/v1/transfers with the following post parameters: { source_transaction -> ch_19vkgRJ6y4jvjvHhnBdw8qeT, amount -> 44444, metadata[caseId] -> StripeAdapterIT-1489140548878_762, currency -> eur, destination -> default_for_currency }
The problem is that I'm receiving the following error:
"error": {
"type": "invalid_request_error",
"message": "No such transaction: ch_19vkgRJ6y4jvjvHhnBdw8qeT",
"param": "source_transaction"
I created the charge a few seconds earlier receiving the charge id and can definitely see it in the (test) dashboard, so I know that it exists.
Why is my request failing saying that the charge cannot be found?