
I have the following strong params in my developers_controller named location_params

  def location_params
    params.require(:location).permit(:country, {:ads_attributes => [:remote, :days]})

When I set a debug breakpoint in the code, to test on how to use the fields :remote and :days, I have to use the following code to get :remote and :days in the console.


I do not understand and know how to remove this ["2"] index. I would like to select the params with the following code location_params[:ads_attributes][:remote]

This is the result in the console from location_params[:ads_attributes]

{"0"=><ActionController::Parameters {} permitted: true>, 
"1"=><ActionController::Parameters {"days"=>"12"} permitted: true>,
"2"=><ActionController::Parameters {"remote"=>"1"} permitted: true>}
permitted: true>

I did make a search on stackoverflow and I could not find a solution to this specific issue with the index.

The problem is in your form. That's how it sends data. If you want params to have another shape, change the form.Sergio Tulentsev
Thanks a lot for the helpuser7671402

1 Answers


I would recomment better to fix form view, which add these numbers in here:

<%= link_to_add_association "Add another", f, :ads %>
<%= f.fields_for :ads do |ff| %>
      <%= ff.form_group ::remote do |ad| %>
          <%= ad.label :remote %> *
          <%= ad.text_field :remote %>
      <% end %>
      <%= ff.form_group :days do |ad| %>
          <%= ad.label :days %> *
          <%= ad.text_field :days %>
      <% end %>
      <%= link_to_remove_association "remove", ff %>
<% end %>