Run Python in xampp for windows:
STEP-1:[Download Python]
Download & install the latest version of python from Download Python & click on the windows installer of any version
[ex. python-3.6.2]
STEP 2: [Install Python]
Install in any directory of your harddrive
[ex. D:\python-3.6.2]
STEP 3: [Configure Python]
The XAMPP GUI can quickly access the httpd.conf file like so:

Otherwise open the directory where xammp was installed
Go to apache >> conf e.g.) D:\xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf
You'll see a file named httpd.conf
. Open it in any text editor & put the below codes in the end of that file:
AddHandler cgi-script .py
ScriptInterpreterSource Registry-Strict
STEP 4:[optional]
In same file search for <IfModule dir_module>
When you've found it put
in the end
It will look something like this
<IfModule dir_module>
DirectoryIndex index.php index.cgi index.asp index.shtml index.html index.htm \
default.php default.cgi default.asp default.shtml default.html default.htm \
home.php home.cgi home.asp home.shtml home.html home.htm
STEP 5:[restart apache/xampp]
That's all for editing, now restart apache from your xampp control panel
STEP 6:[Run Python from xammp]
Open a text editor & test python now on xammp htdoc directory [ex. D:\xampp\htdocs\PythonProject].
But wait at the beginning of your script you need to specify the path where you've installed python. In my case its D:/python-3.6.2/python.exe .In your case it may be different, depending up on the version you've installed python & the directory of your hard drive python Code .
print("Content-Type: text/html\n")
print ("Hello Python Web Browser!! This is cool!!")
print("Content-Type: text/html")
print ("""
<TITLE>CGI script ! Python</TITLE>
<H1>This is my first CGI script</H1>
Save the file as in htdocs & open http://localhost/PythonProject\
.If everything goes well, You'll see the text "Hello Python Web Browser!! This is cool!!"