I am struggling with a question in Cameron and Trivedi's "Microeconometrics using Stata". The question concerns a cross-sectional dataset with two key variables, log of annual earnings (lnearns) and annual hours worked (hours).
I am struggling with part 2 of the question, but I'll type the whole thing for context.
A moving average of y after data are sorted by x is a simple case of nonparametric regression of y on x.
- Sort the data by hours.
- Create a centered 15-period moving average of lnearns with ith observation yma_i = 1/25(sum from j=-12 to j=12 of y_i+j). This is easiest using the command forvalues.
- Plot this moving average against hours using the twoway connected graph command.
I'm unsure what command(s) to use for a moving average of cross-sectional data. Nor do I really understand what a moving average over one-period data shows.
Any help would be great and please say if more information is needed. Thanks!
Should be able to download the dataset from here https://www.dropbox.com/s/5d8qg5i8xdozv3j/mus02psid92m.dta?dl=0. It is a small extract from the 1992 Individual-level data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics - used in the textbook.
Still getting used to the syntax, but here is my attempt at it
sort hours
gen yma=0
1. forvalues i = 1/4290 {
2. quietly replace yma = yma + (1/25)(lnearns[`i'-12] to lnearns[`i'+12])
3. }