I have a strange issue. I am using azure notifications hub to push notifications to my Xamarin forms app (iOS). Everything works except for one specific case:
This works:
Case 1:
App is running -> push notificaiton is sent -> I get it in DidReceiveRemoteNotification callback -> I then show a popup (good)
Case 2
App is suspended and run in the background -> push notification is sent -> I get notoifcation on my phone at the top and red badge updates agains the app icon ->
if user taps notification at the top, app opens up and I get DidReceiveRemoteNotification event (good)
if user ignores the notification and just taps on the app icon -> NOTHING HAPPENS ???
I need to capture this notification somehow and I don't know why it is not showing. I have been googling for a while now to no avail.
What I have:
I have "Remote notificaitons" and "Background fetch" ticked in background modes
I am sending message like this: {"aps":{"alert":"Notification Hub test notification", "badge": 1}}
Why is it not triggering when user taps the app icon and not the notification and how do I get hold of this notificaiton in the app??? What am I missing