In my application I need to start some BLE scans, get the results and then show them in a list or in a grid.
When i start the scan my device start to look for advertisements basing on which ScanFilters I wrote.
Every time a Pheriperal is found I the application trigger the scan callback method and i can add the new device into the list.
If i got an error the app trigger the callback method and i can tell the user about the broblem.
Imagine the Scan going on for 30s. At the moment it starts i get 3 Ble Pheriperal. At second 15 one of them stop to advertise and turn bluetooth off. At the end of the scan my list will have 3 Ble devices but i will not be able to connect to one of them.
How do I know which of them is the one which turned off? Where do i get his status?
Thanks for the help.