I am working with heatscatter in R part of the LSD package and I am essentially trying to make my plot look nicer. Right now the x-axis read a bunch of random date values because I had to change myData$Date1 to a vector for plotting (see image below).
How can I change the xaxis to say Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep?
Is there also a way to change the font of the plot to Times New Roman or theme_tufte() like in ggplot?
If someone can create a similar plot in ggplot instead of heatscatter that would be another way of solving my issue as I am much more well versed in ggplot.
This is the code I used to make the plot l8 dates are in day(00)month(00)year(2015)
l8.dates <-c('04062015','04222015','05082015','05242015','06092015','06252015',
myDate = sample(l8.dates,1000,replace= TRUE)
NDVI2 = sample(seq(0,1, by =0.0001),1000,replace = T)
myData = data.frame(Date1 = myDate,
myData$Date1 = as.Date(myData$Date1,"%m%d%Y")
colpal="bl2gr2rd",ylim= c(-1,1), frame.plot=FALSE, xlab= "", ylab="NDVI")