I was watching some videos about switching to MVP, RX Java and writing tests before that... so basically TDD.. anyway, guys that were writing those Presenters and tests for that presenter, had an issue.
Here's what they did. They were using Rx Java for returning the Observables from database and inside their presenter they had the method and they called operators .subscribeOn(Schedulers.io) and .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread)
So the test failed because it runs on one thread, and sometimes method on view (on mainThread) doesn't get called... I didn't understand it well ... maybe someone knows what I'm trying to say
My question is, can you do it this way (does it solve the problem)? This is the method from my presenter:
public void getRandomJoke() {
.subscribe(new Observer<RandomJokeResponse>() {
public void onCompleted() {
public void onError(Throwable e) {
public void onNext(RandomJokeResponse randomJokeResponse) {
if (randomJokeResponse != null) {
mJoke = randomJokeResponse.getJokeData().getJoke();
and I put those two operators inside my interactor:
public Observable<RandomJokeResponse> getRandomJoke() {
return retrofitService.getRandomJoke()
I still haven't got to write tests, just started watching videos and saw that issue, so now I wonder is this a good idea to do it this way, since I've heard you shouldn't have anything related to Android inside your presenter...because of testing...
if (randomJokeResponse != null)
, mayberandomJokeResponse
is never null and it's just defensive programming (bad practice) – Héctorio
thread and change de UI should be inmainThread
, but in the test you may not have the Android thread (it's not an Android test) so you need to enqueue the work, instead of delegate it to main (Android) thread. – Héctor