Toolchain is the SW4STM32, gcc, processor is STM32F303K8 (Nucleo 303K8), minimal test project with no actual user code at all. The process how to convert a project generated by ST CubeMX is well documented and apparently works. However, when i specify FreeRTOS in Cube, linker fails to find the init function MX_FREERTOS_Init(). The function prototype is included in main.cpp and the definition exists in another source file (freertos.c). This works in C but when converting the project to C++ the linker fails to link the function.
The C2C++ conversion i did as follows:
- add ccnature to the .project file
- copy main.c to main.cpp (& remove main.c from the build)
- duplicate gcc compiler settings over to g++ in project properties
- point linker script to the one in the project directory
The above enable Eclipse to compile main using g++ and to link using G++ linker. However linking consistently fails in ...\Debug/../Src/main.cpp:97: undefined reference to `MX_FREERTOS_Init()'
What is remarkable is that even when i delete all references to MX_FREERTOS_Init() from main.cpp so that the text simply does not exist anywhere, linker STILL fails exactly the same. It even reports the same line number even though the text is completely different. This behavior does not change never mind if i clean the project, rebuild and refresh all indexes etc etc.
Any suggestions anyone? Or do i have to skip specifying FreeRTOS in Cube and do it all manually?