I am building a shiny app that takes input values from users and displays dataframe dynamically. I was able to display the dataframe successfully when I was not using shinydashboard library. But I am having trouble displaying the dataframe using dataTableOutput in ui.R and renderDataTable in server.R
I also tried displaying mtcars dataframe, which is NOT a reactive dataframe, but it is not displayed either.
This is what I have in my server.R file:
values<- reactiveValues()
values$df<- data.frame()
observeEvent(input$click_counter, {
name<- input$name
gender<- input$gender
college<- input$college
team<- input$team
score<- as.numeric(input$score)
rank<- 0
new_row<- data.frame(rank,name,college,gender,team,score)
values$df<- rbind(values$df, new_row)
values$df<- values$df[order(values$df$score,decreasing=TRUE),]
values$df$rank<- 1:nrow(values$df)
output$nText2<- renderDataTable({
}, options = list(orderClasses = TRUE,lengthMenu = c(5, 10, 30), pageLength = 5))
And this is what I have in the ui.R file:
tabItem(tabName = "signup",
box(textInput("name", "이름"),
selectInput("college", "대학",
choices = list("간호대학", "경영대학",
"공과대학", "농업생명과학대학",
"미술대학", "법과대학",
"사범대학", "사회과학대학",
"수의과대학", "생활과학대학",
"약학대학", "음악대학",
"인문대학", "의과대학",
"자연과학대학", "기타"),
selected = 1),
selectInput("team", "교내 소속축구팀",
choices = list("싸커21", "아르마다",
"에코플러스", "아크로",
"P.O.S", "공대",
"자연대", "관악사",
"농대축구부 휘모리", "지오싸카스",
"새츠", "샥스",
"FC SEES", "Cells United",
"프리템포", "남풍",
textInput("score", "점수"),
output$nText2 <- renderDataTable(values$df, options = list(orderClasses = TRUE,lengthMenu = c(5, 10, 30), pageLength = 5))
in server.R andbox(dataTableOutput("ntext2"))
in ui.R – ottlngr