I'm using Google Cloud Dataflow and have a ParDo function that requires access to all the elements in a PCollection. To accomplish this, I wanted to convert a PCollection<T> into a PCollection<Iterable<T>> containing a single Iterable of all the elements. I was wondering if there's a cleaner/simpler/faster solution to what I have come up with.
The first approach was to create a dummy key, perform a GroupByKey, and get the values afterwards.
PCollection<MyType> myData;
// AddDummyKey() outputs KV.of(1, context.element()) for everything
PCollection<KV<Integer, MyType>> myDataKeyed = myData.apply(ParDo.of(new AddDummyKey()));
// Group by dummy key
PCollection<KV<Integer, Iterable<MyType>>> myDataGrouped = myDataKeyed.apply(GroupByKey.create());
// Extract values
PCollection<Iterable<MyType>> myDataIterable = myDataGrouped.apply(Values.<Iterable<MyType>>create()
The second approach followed the recommendation here: How do I make View's asList() sortable in Google Dataflow SDK? but without the sorting. I created a View.asList(), created a dummy PCollection, and then applied a ParDo function on the dummy PCollection with the view as a side input and simply returned the view.
PCollection<MyType> myData;
// Create view of the PCollection as a list
PCollectionView<List<MyType>> myDataView = myData.apply(View.asList());
// Create dummy PCollection
PCollection<Integer> dummy = pipeline.apply(Create.<Integer>of(1));
// Apply dummy ParDo that returns the view
PCollection<List<MyType>> myDataList = dummy.apply(
ParDo.withSideInputs(myDataView).of(new DoFn<Integer, List<MyType>>() {
public void processElement(ProcessContext c) {
It seems like there would be a pre-defined combine function for this task, but I can't find one. Thanks for the help!