I'm again stuck with Django REST Framework and its serializers.
Basically, what I want to be able to do is stick the following incoming data into a serializers.Serializer instance:
data = {
"thing_id": 715,
"sub_things": [
"id": 1,
"name": "bob"
"id": 2,
"name": "mike"
sub_things are handled by a serializers.ModelSerializer called SubThingSerializer. This is how it looks like.
class SubThingSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = SubThing
fields = ('id', 'name')
read_only_fields = ('id', 'name')
Serialization of Thing is handled by a ThingSerializer, which I've for now handled as below:
class ThingSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
thing_id = serializers.IntegerField()
sub_things= SubThingSerializer(many=True)
Now, when I do
serializer = ThingSerializer(data=data)
I get empty OrderedDicts like:
{'sub_things': [OrderedDict(), OrderedDict()], 'thing_id': 715}
I guess it's wise to say that ThingSerializer will not need to get stored into a database, but it does use sub_things from database. These will not be written into db either. This is just to keep track of what sub_things the thing contains, pass this data back and forth between a browser client and a Python object for some calcualtions. And maybe store it in the session.
edit 1:
Most likely there's something I need to add to the create method of my ThingSerializer. So, I guess the ultimate question is: what's the correct syntax to pass sub_thing data to SubThingSerializers?
edit 2:
I dug a bit more. Seems that empty OrderedDicts get passed in validated_data to ThingSerializer.create() for some reason. Serializer validates alright with serializer.is_valid(). I could access the necessary data from initial_data, but that doesn't seem very solid.
edit 3:
Also tested around with serializers.ListField() for sub_things. Still seeing empty OrderedDicts in validated_data inside the create method.